Spoken Games
Scrambled Verse
Challenge yourself to memorize Bible verses! Try our suggestions first then move on to more difficuly verses.
​Scrambled Verse is a fun app that helps you memorize Bible verses. Scores display your progress toward completion of each section of suggested verses. You get to select the verse and the app will scramble the words. From memory you select the words in the correct order. If you need help the selected verse can be displayed and spoken to help. Once the entire verse is correct, your score will be recorded. You can create your own lists of favorite verses for memorization. Challenge yourself and friends to improve and increase the number of verses memoized.
This app tracks your progress by keeping record of all the verses you memorize. A great selection of themed verses have already been entered for you. A separate section permits choosing your own verses for memorization.
Every word must be correct in the correct order for a verse to be recorded as memorized. Have fun challenge yourself and learn verses for the Bible.

Catch 52
Catch 52 was featured in a recent article. Check it out at:
Catch 52 is a challenging app that will test and sharpen your timing and reflexes. VoiceOver should be turned off. With four levels of difficulty, Catch 52 will test your quickness and attention.
Cards fall at random rates of speed based on the difficulty level. As a card is dropped, the app will say its name and begin beeping about halfway down the screen a bomb dropping sound is made to help judge where the bottom of the screen is located.
There are two game variations, the first has you catch all the picture cards (jacks, queens, and kings) and the second has you catch cards of a particular suit. The game is played by catching the desired cards as close to the bottom of the screen as possible and rejecting the other cards as quickly or near to the top as possible.
Cards are caught by pressing the right side of the screen and rejected by pressing the left side of the screen. Scores are proportionate to the speed and how near the top they are rejected and how close to the bottom they are caught. The game ends when the deck is finished or when you miss three times.
Catch 52 uses Game Center so that you can challenge your friends and get to the top of the leaderboard or earn extra achievements.
Game settings and preferences are selected by tapping the screen. A two finger single tap will stop the speech. A two finger double tap will repeat the instructions and a two finger triple tap will change the difficulty.

Spoken WAR
Spoken WAR is an audible card game offering sound effects, leaderboard point scoring, military rank based on the number of wars won, quick game (half deck), and crazy sounds when there's a war. Spoken War uses a shuffling algorithm that attempts to prevent cat (tie) games. The game is accessible and can be enjoyed by both sight and visually impaired players.
A single screen tap will play the game and a double tap with one finger will say the current game statistics.
For each winning hand. points equal to the difference between the cards (ie, King and a 4 (four) is K=13 and a four=4 or 9 (nine) points is added to your score. These are added to your high score and posted to the leaderboard at the end of each game. Points are not deducted for loses but no new high scores are posted either.
A settings screen is called using the upper right button. Settings switches for Quick Game (half deck), background sound, speaking of card names during play, and crazy war sounds can be turned on and off. Below the buttons are written instructions and a button to return to the game. This will keep the game progress.
Game Center with achievements and leaderboard is called using the upper left button.
An enjoyable and fun time for everyone playing the old time game of War.